Sunday, June 29, 2014

Vada turning 6

Anna Leigh and girls came up Friday to spend the weekend in Des Moines. We all hit the Farmers Market yesterday and Arts Festival. It was fun yet muggy day. AL and girls spend the night with us last night. Today we celebrated Vada's 6th Birthday.  She is BIG into the movie Frozen. Her cake was Frozen and she received a lot of Frozen birthday gifts. 
this was taken this morning after they woke up
 birthday girl with her crown

 cousin picture

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Feeding Ducks

Ever since the girls have been small we head to Jordan Creek's pond and feed ducks our stale bread.  Today we got to see some smaller ducks and even feed some huge fish. 
Hannah's signature pose
 here come the bigger ducks

 one of the smaller ducks

 this picture makes me laugh


Monday, June 23, 2014

Saylorville Dam

I have never been to the dam nor have the girls and with all this rain we have had and seeing and hearing about it on the news I decided to go check it out. It was pretty cool to see. We weren't able to see the beach, it is closed due to high waters. 


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

NC cousins invade IA

Pat, Anna Leigh, Vada and Isla arrived in Mt Ayr on the 10th. They came back for a family friends wedding. AL and girls are staying here for 5 weeks. YAY!!  We will all road trip back to NC for our beach trip in July.  While mom, dad and AL were at rehearsal I took the 4 girls to the park to play. 
all 4 swinging


Monday, June 9, 2014

Tea Party

Haydn and Kylie (neighbor) attending a tea party today at Urbandale Historical Society.  They were to dress up in a fancy (nice) dress, bring a doll or stuffed animal. They made paper dolls, learned good table manners, danced to music from "Frozen", and served a speical lunch.  Lunch was PB/jelly sandwich, carrots/dip, fruit kabobs, ice cream, cupcake and drink.