Friday, November 21, 2014

Haydn's Music Concert

Haydn had her music concert last night. The them was Americana.  Everyone was to dress in red/white/blue. Each child had a speaking/playing xylophone/group singing part. Haydn rocked her speaking part!!  She loves to sing and really enjoys her music concert every year!! 

Haydn's speaking part

Olivia, Macy, Mackenzie, Haydn and Ellie
Olivia, Haydn and Mrs Biegger

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

no more booster seats

for the 1st time in over 11 yrs we no longer have car seat/booster seats in the van! Haydn has graduated from a booster seat! YAY!!  My girls are no longer babies!! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

411 Graduation

Hannah had her 411 graduation today.  For the past 6 weeks she has been talking about drugs, alcohol, bullying, internet safety and so on. Every student got a 411 t-shirt as part of the class. They all wore them today. It was a great assembly. Glad I was able to support Hannah today. Along with the certificates there was a spokeswoman from Puppy Jake talking about PTSD and how they train dogs to help soldiers coming back to deal with trauma they encountered serving our country. It was very interesting hearing what all the dogs go through. It is a 2 yr program for the dogs alone to learn how to help their new owner. The dog is truly their new owners right hand man!! 
Hannah receiving her award
 Principal Williamson

 whole class

 Hannah and Shea

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween at Jester

I took the girls to Jester this afternoon for a "spooktacular" party. It was a lot of fun. They had pony/horse rides,wagon rides, face painting, crafts, scavenger hunt, hot dogs, cookies, s'mores, hot chocolate and a night hike that we didn't stay for.
Girls actually got to ride the horses they ride in weekly lessons. It was so fun to see the horses dressed up too. 
cowgirl and gymnast
Freckles as a hippy horse
 Lucy-in touch with her hawaiian side
 wagon ride
 Sunny- girls ride him during lessons

 Haydn riding the pony Dottie
 Hannah riding Brownie the pony