Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter in MA and Haydn's birthday

The girls and I headed to MA for Easter weekend. With it being close to Haydn's b-day, we celebrated it early!!  She didn't mind!! 

 opening lalaloopsy
 new beach towel

 egg hunting after church


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

early easter

With us going to MA for Easter I decided to give the girls their Easter presents early.  I think they were a big hit!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Haydn got her ears pierced

Haydn got her ears pierced today!!  Our magic age is 8 but I wanted to do something special for Haydn with it being her "golden" birthday this year. I decided why not do it over spring break! YEA! She is awesome! Didn't cry until after the 1st one was pierced! I was so proud of her!!  She chose pink flowers! We then treated ourselves to some Orange Leaf to celebrate!

egg dying

the girls dyed easter eggs this morning!!  The eggs turned out really bright. Forgot to take a picture of all of them together!! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

my 38th birthday

 Haydn's sign.  Wonder if she still thinks I am "osum" after yelling at her for being up in the middle of the night making this sign?
The girls woke up at 3:30 AM on my birthday to make these signs for me. I woke up to hearing pitter patter downstairs. I came down to find Haydn sitting in the dark. Not sure if she shut the lights off when she heard me walking around or what?!  I was short with her and took her back to bed. Hannah had gotten back into her bed in the meantime. So of course you know when it was time to wake for school they weren't wanting to get up right away. At breakfast I was still alittle upset with them. They did give me my presents of new Pj's, socks, and a charm for my bracelet. As they were eating breakfast I started to feel bad for how I treated them. I apologized for my behavior.  If you remember they woke early (not 3:30 AM) for our anniv in Sept and make signs for Wes and I. Breakfast on the table.  The girls said they just wanted to surprise me with the signs when I came downstairs yesterday morning. I love them for that, just wish they weren't awake in the middle of the night.  Surprisingly Haydn was the one that woke Hannah up.  Hannah had set her alarm for 5:45 but Haydn for some reason woke up earlier.  As yesterday went on, the more I would think about the situation, I  felt worse for how I wasn't appreciative for what they did for me! I never did this for my parents when I was their age, let alone when I was a teenager! My girls are really awesome or "osum" as Haydn said on her sign!!