Tuesday, June 25, 2013

wedding fun

before the wedding, Saturday morning we got the 6 grandkids pictures taken professionally.  I can't wait to see how they turned out! 
Saturday afternoon was the wedding of Alex and Sarah Stephens.  It was a beautiful ceremony. The reception was outside at the golf course. The 6 kids had a great time at the reception. All the bottoms of their feet were black from dancing so much! They all slept like angels that night! 

 Haydn took this picture-hence why AL's head is cut off
 great shot
Sam, mom and dad's neighbor, talking to the guys

 Hannah getting her groove on

Vada's Birthday and Golf Cart Driving

The girls and I headed to MA on Thursday to see the Cunningham's.  Friday morning we celebrated V's 5th Birthday!  She was so excited for her party! 

 Hannah, Stella and Haydn drove papa's golf cart around their yard for hrs over the weekend! I would love to know how many miles they put on it, it was great entertainment for them!
 picture before the wedding of Alex and Sarah's

Sunday, June 16, 2013

start of summer 2013

Hannah had her last softball game this Wednesday. She improved over the season. This was the 1st year of team pitch so that took some time getting use to. 

 My sister from NC flew back this week and was in DM this weekend.  We had a cookout on Friday night.  It rained so we had to be inside for most of the night. The kids did get outside alittle towards the end. Uncle Mark was a good sport and went down the slide for them. 

I tried to get a good pic of Isla and Haydn. She sure does love babies, well IJ is 2 but is the baby of the family.  She wasn't into me taking her pic! IJ and HN and a lot alike. They both are strong willed, I think IJ might be alittle more so that HN.  They both are lefty's and have the big blue eyes! 


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Last day of 1st and 3rd grade

Yesterday was the last day of school for the girls.  They had a great 1st year at DC-G.  Bring on 2nd and 4th grade!
Aug 2012 1st day of school
 May 2013 last day of school

 Haydn's class had a picnic yesterday for her last day of school.  Then they flew kites that they made.  It was a perfect day for kite flying! It was finally sunny and we had a good breeze.  Perfect way to end the school year!! 

 Haydn and Mrs Morrow