Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Mystery House

story written by Hannah:

I knocked at the door.  "Hello," I called.
The door creaked as it opened. No one answered. I walked inside. The door closed as I walked in, it kept shut but the hinges fell off.  "oh, no." I whispered to myself. So I decided to walk further into the house. I could tell a little bit that the owner of the house either was very good at collecting cobwebs or wasn't a fan of cleaning. It was very dark inside but that didn't bother me, I'm not that scared of the dark. I walked some more until I got to the room. It was very creepy. I bet there were about 100 spiders crawling around. There was also a gate around a caskit. I was ready to leave that room. I was so terrified of that room I ran until I heard loud footsteps. I stopped and hid in a cabnit, in a kitchen. After I had been hiding in a cabnit for about 5 minutes I thought I was ok to get out. Turns out I was wrong. I head a loud groan. I chose to go back in the cabnit. After a bit the groaning stopped, so I got out of the cabnit. I tried to find the door so I ran super fast looking everywhere. Then I tripped over a pumpkin and fell down. I finally found the door after a little bit. Phew! I was 3 ft away from the door when the wind blew it down. Yay, I could escape. I ran so so fast out of the house I was never ever going back again!

the end!

1 comment:

  1. I was scared the whole time I was reading "The Mystery House"! Great job, Pokeadot!
