Sunday, February 16, 2014

Brenton Ice Skating

Today we headed downtown for lunch at Zombie Burger and ice skating. Haydn did amazing this year. Held onto the wall at the beginning and then was a pro shortly after that. Hannah didn't have as much fun. She skated for awhile and then sat and drank hot chocolate with Wes.  Wes just took pictures, he doesn't like to skate. Haydn and I skated for over an hour. Perfect day to skate, not too cold. We finished the day off with Orange Leaf. Perfect Sunday with the family. 

 Wes took a picture of our big skyline

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Daddy/Daughter Dance 2014

The girls and Wes are attending their 1st daddy/daughter dance tonight. High School after prom is sponsoring the dance. It was fun for the girls to get all dressed up and I even bought them corsages.  They thought that was pretty cool!  We painted nails this afternoon and hot rolled their hair before the dance.
Hannah striking a pose
 blowing a kiss


 had to end with a goofy pose
can't wait to hear all about their night 


The girls and I had the pleasure of watching Greta today for a couple hours.  She was so good, never was bothered by the girls mauling her!!  It was so fun to watch her, she is such a easy and fun baby (little girl) to be around.

 I had to get a picture of her standing, she got the skinny jeans and lavendar top for Christmas. She looks so cute in her skinny jeans and spring shirt.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

The girls were spoiled as always this morning.  Their loot was waiting on them when they came down for breakfast.  Wes gave them the jars with M&M's, Reese's egg (they were out of the hearts), and milk duds! I bought the bean bags for them to use in the playhouse this spring/summer.  Hannah has wanted a new DC-G t-short with glitter. So bought them both one. Wes and I just exchange cards. I actually bought one of those really huge cards and gave to Wes starting in 2003.  I write something each V-Day. It is fun to look back over the years.  I bought a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and we are now watching "cloudy chance of meatballs 2" to top off the night.

 caught the girls both after school on ipads, same position on their bean bags
 heart shaped pizza

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hannah's 4th Grade Music Concert

Hannah had her music concert tonight. The theme was Americana.  They sang some cute songs and even gave us some facts about the good old USA.  Here in 4th grade they start playing recorders, so they also played 4 songs on their recorders. They actually did a good job staying together and in tune!  I couldn't get a good picture of her from where we were sitting and she was standing on stage. 
Hannah is in the middle of the picture 2nd row
 Hannah is 2nd row right side, behind girl in front row with 2 tone blue shirt
Hannah with some of her classmates: Emma, Elle, Shae & Ainsley

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hannah's V-Day Box

Hannah and Wes (he is the crafty parent) worked on her V-Day box tonight. Wes actually only wrapped it and then she did the rest.  She had the idea to make it look like a mailbox. I think she did a great job! 
 Hannah being goofy during pictures

 Haydn took this picture

front view

 side view

Monday, February 10, 2014

Haydn's 2nd grade concert

Haydn had her concert tonight.  She is been EXCITED for a long time for this concert. She loves to sing and perform!!  The Theme was "Bugs".  Every child had a special part in the concert. Haydn had a speaking part. Hannah was in charge of taking pics and only took 3.  One was of her "thumbs up".  HA! 

 Haydn is at the mic
 Mrs Calease and Haydn

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I would proble have gray hair and be in a wheelchair. I would be in a nursing home and have some girlfreneds, play checkers. I might like to eat. I wunder whose going to be there?
Story Haydn wrote at school.  Too cute not to share!