Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

The girls and I headed to MA Friday night. Saturday morning we had a memorial service for my cousin Randy Pratt that lived in AZ but is buried in Diagonal. It was a beautiful service and he will be missed my many. Today the kids had a egg hunt. It was a beautiful weekend, I think spring is finally here!!  YAY!!! 

Hannah and Stella
 Haydn counting her eggs

 Porter, Hannah and Haydn counting their eggs
 kids with neighbor Sam

 neighbor Paisley and Hannah

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shawn Johnson

Hannah's class did reports on famous Iowans a couple weeks ago. She chose Shawn Johnson for her love of gymnastics. Each student wrote a few facts about their person on t-shirts. The shirts were hung up in the classroom. 

impromptu egg hunt

We woke up this morning to eggs in our yard, so of course we had to head outside to see what it was all about. 


Sunday, April 13, 2014

more birthday and dying easter eggs..

Girls and I headed to MA this weekend for a couple shower for a family friend getting married this summer. Wes was on a golf trip.  Haydn got gifts from Nana, Papa, Davidson's & Cunningham's. 

 goofy face
 cake time
 since it has been a rainy day we dyed Easter eggs when we got home.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Haydn turns 8!

Haydn turns 8 today! She has so much spunk! She cares for others in a way that inspires me to be like her. 
Here are 8 tidbits about Haydn....
~loves gymnastics
~loves to watch youtube videos about gymnastics
~ doesn't like to comb her hair
~favorite pants are leggings
~has lost 5 teeth
~favorite color is pink
~will have her 1st Communion in May
~went to her 1st IA football game this past fall
Her BIRTH day
 3 months
 June 2009 ~ 3 yrs
 Halloween 2008 ~ 2 yrs
 Christmas 2007 ~ 20 months
 Halloween 2007 ~ 18 months
 Aug 2007
 May 2007~ 1 yr
 April 2014 ~ 8 yrs

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Haydn's 8th Birthday Party

Haydn had her friend party tonight. She chose swimming at a motel. It worked out perfectly! Friday night she had 1 friend spend the night. That friend got sick last night and was unable to attend the party tonight. Bummer! 
Kylie & Haydn
 prove that Hannah was there too
 cookie cake time

 group shot