Monday, April 7, 2014

Haydn turns 8!

Haydn turns 8 today! She has so much spunk! She cares for others in a way that inspires me to be like her. 
Here are 8 tidbits about Haydn....
~loves gymnastics
~loves to watch youtube videos about gymnastics
~ doesn't like to comb her hair
~favorite pants are leggings
~has lost 5 teeth
~favorite color is pink
~will have her 1st Communion in May
~went to her 1st IA football game this past fall
Her BIRTH day
 3 months
 June 2009 ~ 3 yrs
 Halloween 2008 ~ 2 yrs
 Christmas 2007 ~ 20 months
 Halloween 2007 ~ 18 months
 Aug 2007
 May 2007~ 1 yr
 April 2014 ~ 8 yrs


  1. Her 3 month old picture is precious!!!!!!!
    My girls will agree that leggings make the best "pants"
    Happy birthday girl!

  2. Happy birthday, Haydn! Loved reading your 8 posts of her! The pictures brought back lots of memories! Growing up too fast!
