Wednesday, August 20, 2014

end of summer and 1st day of school 2014

We had a great summer. Full of fun vacations, swimming, golfing, zoo trip, shopping, sleepovers and many memories made along the way. 
 Hannah 5th Grade
 waiting for her 1st bus ride in the rain :(
 yes, I got teary eyed her watching her get on the bus......there goes my 1st baby!
 Haydn 3rd Grade



  1. Looks like you checked almost everything off the summer bucket list! Hannah will love the bus! Too bad it was raining this morning! Hope they both have awesome school years!

  2. Agree, most things checked off the summer list? Think that is cool that Hannah does this. A rainy start to the school year, but know the girls will be very successful!
