Wednesday, October 29, 2014

road trip to NC

Mom, Kayren and I took off last Wednesday morning, early 3:50 AM for NC.  We made it to Newport, TN Wenesday night. Got up Thursday morning and drove into Asheville, NC to tour the Biltmore. This was the highlight of the trip excluding seeing my sister and nieces! Everything about this house is magical. The house still remains in the family today. It has 250 rooms, their was indoor plumbing (a man ahead of his time by a century). We got into Raleigh around 6:00ish. Right in the thick of rush hour. Made us appreciate our "rush hour" here! HA! We stayed busy while in Raleigh. We shopped, went to Pullen Park (park that has old time carousel, paddle boats, train ride around park, normal park slides, swings). Fun park. Took V and IJ trick or treating. V was Elsa and IJ was Anna. IJ's dress even lit up and played a song from Frozen! The weather was great!! We grilled out supper our last night there. Kayren and I were able to go out for drinks and appetizers with Anna one night and the 3 of us got to spend the night together. Mom, Kayren and I left early Monday morning, 4:00AM! We made it all the way to Hannibal, MO!!  15 hrs in the car! Yesterday (Tuesday) we had a short and sweet drive back home.
group shot
 Anna and Elsa


 down by the gardens

 Pullen Park

 Isla, Nana and Vada being silly
 showing off her light up dress
 funny sign at Pullen Park.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Howells 2014

We headed down to Howells today, it was a perfect day to be at the patch. The girls love this patch so it is fun to go back year after year.
strong Little women

 for some reason Haydn was scared to jump. Finally she took the plunge!
 peace out!
 sad goat

 mom bringing up the rear

 girls loved this ride this year!
 dad taking his pumpkin back!