Sunday, October 5, 2014

Howells 2014

We headed down to Howells today, it was a perfect day to be at the patch. The girls love this patch so it is fun to go back year after year.
strong Little women

 for some reason Haydn was scared to jump. Finally she took the plunge!
 peace out!
 sad goat

 mom bringing up the rear

 girls loved this ride this year!
 dad taking his pumpkin back!


  1. Love the pic of Wes and the girls! Looks like a fabulous time with hardly anyone else there! I would love to go there sometime, but alas its so expensive with 8 in tow! What are the girls going to be for halloween?

  2. Looks like a great time! A lot of activities to do! Wondering what your carved pumpkins will look like this year?!!!!

  3. Looks like a fun day! Great pic of Wes & his girls!

  4. We've never been to Howells, but it looks awesome! What great fall,weather we've been blessed with.
