Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Summer 2015

We had a fun summer this year. We accomplished quite a bit off our list. We even did a few spur of the moment trips that are not on our summer list. Sad that summer is over, but anxious to see what fall has in store for us!

Monday, August 24, 2015

1st day of school 2015-16

Hannah starts 6th grade this year, which is middle school.  Hannah changes classes this year, which she is looking forward to.  Haydn starts 4th grade!


Thursday, August 20, 2015

last days of summer

The week leading up to school starting we tried to do something fun each day. On this day we headed to Jordan Creek to walk around the pond and feed the ducks. The girls enjoyed this when they were little and seemed to enjoy it this day as well. We ate Chick-fil-a in the back of the van (like we use to when we went to the zoo when they were little) they actually enjoy this and request it at times.

 Haydn's scary look

 our many attempts to a selfie

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hannah's 12th Birthday!

Hannah had a great Birthday. We swam during the day with Marcia. Horse lessons later afternoon and supper at Zombie Burger.
with her birthday balloons


we redecorated her bedroom this summer, this was a big part of her birthday gift (still need to take picture of her bedroom).

Hannah is 12!

My 1st baby, the one that made me a mom turns 12 today! We are entering the tween years! She will start middle school less than 2 weeks! This coming school year might be an adventurous one! Maybe we can save the middle school drama for 7th grade! Hannah is very kind, loving, mature girl! Couldn't ask for a better 1st born daughter! I hope you have a great year! We LOVE you!
 4 months
 11 months
 2 yrs
 3 yrs
 23 months
 some of my favorite pictures of when she was little. The 1st 12 yrs have flown by. I have a feeling the next 6 yrs will fly by even faster! Stay little (if only she would)!!! 

12 tidbits about Hannah....

~ starts middle school this fall
~ today is her golden birthday
~ likes to run-got 5th in GOTR
~ played trumpet last year
~ loves horses
~ favorite subject-Art
~ loves blankets
~ loves babies
~ loves to shop
~ wants to be an elementary teacher when she grows up
~ loves wings
~ doesn't like frosting


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Fogle 2015

We had our annual Fogle Lake weekend. The girls look forward to it every year. This year we were unable to ride horses. John had hurt his knee. I think he was as bummed as the girls. He loves an excuse to ride as well!  We head down Saturday morning and come back Sunday morning, so it is a quick 24 hrs but we pack in a lot of fun!  We canoe, kayak, water balloon fight, wiener roast, smores, Hannah b-day celebration. We had perfect weather this year again. It did rain during the night, which kept some of us up!

 she isn't a big fan of cake so we did brownie/cookie combo
 Hannah with Godparents