Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hannah is 12!

My 1st baby, the one that made me a mom turns 12 today! We are entering the tween years! She will start middle school less than 2 weeks! This coming school year might be an adventurous one! Maybe we can save the middle school drama for 7th grade! Hannah is very kind, loving, mature girl! Couldn't ask for a better 1st born daughter! I hope you have a great year! We LOVE you!
 4 months
 11 months
 2 yrs
 3 yrs
 23 months
 some of my favorite pictures of when she was little. The 1st 12 yrs have flown by. I have a feeling the next 6 yrs will fly by even faster! Stay little (if only she would)!!! 

12 tidbits about Hannah....

~ starts middle school this fall
~ today is her golden birthday
~ likes to run-got 5th in GOTR
~ played trumpet last year
~ loves horses
~ favorite subject-Art
~ loves blankets
~ loves babies
~ loves to shop
~ wants to be an elementary teacher when she grows up
~ loves wings
~ doesn't like frosting



  1. Happy birthday, Pokeadot! Can't believe you are 12! Love you!

  2. Love seeing all those pics. Hope she had a great day & enjoys her first year of Middle School!

  3. Looooove all the pics! So fun seeing her grow through the years! You are such a great mom and Hannah is an amazing girl. Good job, mama!
