Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas with Grandma Marcia

We celebrated Christmas with Marcia and Steve last night at their home. Adam and family were there also. Geoff was unable to get off for the weekend. Missed him though! Marcia made a delicious meal for lunch.
light saber from Eliott and Owen
 more gumballs
 Owen loved his new IA jammies

 Perplexus ball she wanted
 Grandma and her grandkids in their new t-shirts she gave them!

We headed over to Adam and Natalie's hotel for swimming and pizza. Today we ate lunch with Jim in Winterset. Fun weekend! 


  1. Looks like the girls had a great Christmas. Great that you were able to celebrate with so much family. Very impressed with all the baking!! Your neighbors were lucky to get all those treats : )

  2. Another great Christmas!! Too bad Geoff couldn't make it.

  3. Wow! What a great Christams you all had together!
