Sunday, May 8, 2016

planting flowers

The girls and I have a tradition to plant flowers for Mother's Day. They enjoy picking flowers out and getting dirty planting them. This year is the 10 year anniversary of my grandma Bert passing so I dedicated a pot to her, she LOVED geraniums. She had them in planters lining her walkway up to the house.
I also repotted two house plants. This is my aloe vera plant that had gotten out of control. I cut it WAY back and a VERY long root !

 grandma only had red geraniums but we decided to add white ones as well



  1. Your aloe plant was crazy! I had no idea they got that big. Love your Mother's Day flowers tradition!

  2. Love your planting tradition! Grandma Bert will be smiling down on your geraniums. I loved walking alongside her plants on the walkway up to her house!
