Thursday, February 14, 2013

V-Day 2013

I think the girls had a great Valentine's Day. They started out the morning with candy, balloons and more candy. Hannah got a filing box that she was eyeing at Target and Haydn got a new pair of Stompeez!  They both had their V-day parties at school. Haydn had a pirate Themed V-day party at school. Her teacher is AMAZING!!  She had a bed rail that was used as "walk the plank".  They went on a scavenger hunt in the school. Made their own treasure maps and Mrs M. had even made them pirate hats that they decorated and then had a treasure box that they sat on with a backdrop that each child then took a pic in front of.  Each child even decorated a picture frame with stickers and jewels for their pirate picture to be placed in!! She PUT ALOT of work into this party. They even had Breadeaux pizza for a snack! She is AMAZING!!  Haydn had her party in the morning and Hannah's was in the afternoon, so I was able to attend both!! 
Hannah's teacher Mrs W. had two games for the kids to play one was "pass the heart" around like hot potato game. The other one was hearts that she had written adj words on and then they were taped to the students backs. The kids had to ask one another "yes or no" questions to try and figure out their words. Pretty clever game!! 
We ended the night with heart shaped pizza!!  The girls and I ended the night with heart shaped pizza!

 Haydn "walking the plank"
 decorating her picture frame
 Hannah playing the adj game
 Hannah and her BFF Justice
 heart shaped pizza


  1. Wow! What a day the girls had!!! Love the gift that Wes gave them! Very clever. The classroom parties sound like a lot of thought went into them. Dedicated teachers to make things so special.

  2. I finally added you to my blog roll! I am such a slacker! You are an awesome MOM! I suck at Valentine's Day!
