Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Haydn's Letter Writing

Haydn is studying how to write letters right now in school. Her class kept their V-Day boxes at school and each child will write letters to one another and put them into their "mailbox".  It is cute to see some of them coming home. I had to share a couple.

Dear Haydn
you are a super friend. I love that Huge smile on your face. Your a great friend.  Love Layla.

Dear Haydn                                                      Date 2-19-13
your the best. you rule. your the best. you rock. you always come in class With a smile. Im so glad I met you. 
your friend

2,19,13 (date)
Dear Mom and dad,
Thank you for loveing me and being nice.  I love you so so much.  I hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. Haydn is doing a super job with her writing skills! Way to go, Munchkin!
