Thursday, May 30, 2013

1st Grade Celebration

Haydn had her 1st grade celebration yesterday.  I don't do well with my girls growing up, that may sound funny but when it comes to the end of a school year, or even kind words their teachers say about them in conferences I get teary eyed. This all started back when Hannah was even in preschool.  So yesterday as I was walking into her school I started to feel that lump in my throat.  Her program was amazing!! They all had a speaking part of things they learned throughout the school year. We even had refreshments. Her teacher made a picture video that we even watched and all the students got to bring one home for themselves. She is an amazing teacher and Haydn adored her as much as I did!!  With our crazy weather we have been having we (parents) got to sit in the hallway with the kids for awhile for a tornado warning!!  Been a few years since I had to do that!! Added alittle excitement to the afternoon!! 

 Haydn doing her speaking part!
 Wes took this picture of me...crying!!  To prove to you all, that I get teary eyed! I am sure other parents around me wondered what the He** was wrong with me?!  Even more funny that my computer won't let me make it smaller!! HA! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Authors night at SP

Haydn's class wrote and illustrated a book this spring. Parents were invited to come and listen to them read their books. Her book was all about her. She mentioned her family, her love for lalaloopsy and our family vacation to Wisconsin Dells last summer.  She did an amazing job and enjoyed reading her book. Afterwards her teacher invited all the students uptown for ice cream! Haydn loved this part as well! We will sure miss Mrs Morrow! She has been an excellent teacher for our 1st year in Grimes. 


Friday, May 17, 2013


Hannah participated in her 1st 5K this month. She started practicing in March, twice a week.  She really enjoyed this race and I could not be more proud of her! She finished 5th out of 40-50 3rd and 4th graders in Polk Co.  Her time was 31:08!!  Each girl had to have a running buddy and Wes wanted to run this with her. The race was at Raccoon River.  It was a gorgeous night for a run.  She and Wes ran the whole thing, did not stop to walk!!  YAY!!

 Grimes group of girls
 sign Haydn and I made for her
 her medal
 after the run and her face isn't red at all!! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

end of year teacher gifts

The flower pots last year that we gave Waukee teachers were a big hit so we did them again this year. I think it is a fun homemade gift for the teachers and something they can keep and truly enjoy for years to come.  Ok, my computer is doing crazy things and uploaded these twice ugh!  Oh well! 

 Hannah and her teacher Mrs Wambold

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Haydn's 1st grade concert

Haydn had her music concert tonight. She has been looking forward to this night for months now. Really!  She loved singing and performing. The theme was fishes and under the sea. They all were asked to wear blue shirts and blue pants. 

hard to see but Haydn is in the blue tank top and jean skirt.
 Haydn and her teacher Mrs Morrow
 Macey, Haydn and Layla BFF's

Friday, May 3, 2013

mother earth

This past week Haydn has be talking about earth, recycling and why you should recycle.  This is the letter she brought home today along with a globe that she painted!! 

Dear Earth,

I am sorry that people litr on you. I am thankful for pools that you give us and flower's. I am going to resicl as much as I can.
