Thursday, May 30, 2013

1st Grade Celebration

Haydn had her 1st grade celebration yesterday.  I don't do well with my girls growing up, that may sound funny but when it comes to the end of a school year, or even kind words their teachers say about them in conferences I get teary eyed. This all started back when Hannah was even in preschool.  So yesterday as I was walking into her school I started to feel that lump in my throat.  Her program was amazing!! They all had a speaking part of things they learned throughout the school year. We even had refreshments. Her teacher made a picture video that we even watched and all the students got to bring one home for themselves. She is an amazing teacher and Haydn adored her as much as I did!!  With our crazy weather we have been having we (parents) got to sit in the hallway with the kids for awhile for a tornado warning!!  Been a few years since I had to do that!! Added alittle excitement to the afternoon!! 

 Haydn doing her speaking part!
 Wes took this picture of me...crying!!  To prove to you all, that I get teary eyed! I am sure other parents around me wondered what the He** was wrong with me?!  Even more funny that my computer won't let me make it smaller!! HA! 


  1. I love the pic of you! So glad that Wes snapped it! You are very tender hearted, a good quality. Haydn looks so grown up! Love her dress! I'm totally into chevron.

  2. So cute, you totally get the emotions like your parents : ). Love that the girls adjusted to their new school so well. As I type this, just hrs ago I finished my first ever 5k, so amDYING that H has already done this! Way to go Hannah!!! So proud of your girls & hope they have a great summer. Come to NC if you get a wild hair ; )
