Friday, May 17, 2013


Hannah participated in her 1st 5K this month. She started practicing in March, twice a week.  She really enjoyed this race and I could not be more proud of her! She finished 5th out of 40-50 3rd and 4th graders in Polk Co.  Her time was 31:08!!  Each girl had to have a running buddy and Wes wanted to run this with her. The race was at Raccoon River.  It was a gorgeous night for a run.  She and Wes ran the whole thing, did not stop to walk!!  YAY!!

 Grimes group of girls
 sign Haydn and I made for her
 her medal
 after the run and her face isn't red at all!! 

1 comment:

  1. So proud of Hannah. Really cool that she and Wes did this together. A great post time! Looks like the "Grimes Girls" are on fire!!!! Very proud of you, Pokeadot!!!!
