Thursday, May 28, 2015

last day of 3rd and 5th grade 2014-15

Today was the last day of school for the girls! They have had a great school year, loved their teachers, made new friends and learned alot too! 
Hannah will be in middle school next fall. What? I am a mom of a 6th grader!
 Haydn on her last day of 3rd grade
Bring on summer!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5th Grade Field Trip

Hannah and the rest of 5th grade went to Brenton Arboretum today. It is in Dallas Center. One session was in the morning and Hannah's class went in the afternoon. All 5th graders ate lunch together and had recess together.
The 4 sessions were....pond dip, insect safari, tree life scavenger hunt and the Lorax.Each session was 30 min. Finally it was a nice sunny day, beautiful day for a field trip. Tomorrow is the last day of school!! 

Katey and Hannah

Hannah with her teacher Mrs Updike (we both LOVED her)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Lunch with Haydn

Haydn asked me to come eat lunch with her today. It won't be much longer and she won't want me to come to school. I will take it when I can. She got to sit and a seperate table since she had a "guest". HA! She got to choose two friends, she chose Ellie and Muhamed (he is the cutest thing since sliced bread). He is new this year, he is from Bosnia. He doesn't have the best english but his dimples are adorable! 
P.S. today was crazy hair day, hence the hair dye

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tie Dye

Today I helped Haydn's class along with the other sections of 3rd grade, tie dying t-shirts. This is a 3rd grade tradition. Today was a beautiful day for this outside project. They all will wear their t-shirts on the last day of school (next Thursday) and sign each others! How fun!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Wes, Nick, Kari and I went to Garth in Omaha last night. We had the time of our lives! Wes chose the late concert 10:30, at first I was like, what?  But it was a good choice. He played twice Friday night, twice Saturday night and I believe once Sunday. The later show meant he didn't have to stop for another show that night. I think he started closer to 11:30 but went until 2:00AM!!  We stood the whole time, sang and danced the night away! I saw Garth in the middle 90's. I grew up singing Garth as my dad LOVES him! I would see him again in a heartbeat! 


Saturday, May 9, 2015

GOTR 2015

Hannah and Haydn have been training for their 5k since early/middle of March. The race was at Raccoon River. This is Hannah's last year and Haydn's 1st year. Both did amazing! Hannah ran it in 23:48. Her personal best! Yay! She got 5th out of close to 500 girls from DM metro. The girls have running partners, which I ran with Haydn. So I started couch to 5k well needless to say I don't train long enough, Haydn ended up beating me. I think she finished in 30 some minutes. Only walking once! WTG Haydn! So proud of all the girls running. Grimes had a good group of girls the 1st 7 of 10 girls were from Grimes! Hannah is really going to miss this running group next year!
Hannah and Stella at the start

 Mackenzie and Haydn
 Olivia and Hannah
 1st 5k as a family
 girls and their awesome coaches