Thursday, April 7, 2016

opening gifts

Haydn was up early this morning, excited for her birthday! We had time to open all her gift before she needed to get off to school and Hannah was able to see her open them as well before she had to get on the bus!! YAY!! 

 Hannah bought her a card and wrote some funny inside jokes between the two of them. Haydn was laughing so hard that she was almost crying!
 wish I would of had a video of her laughing, we all were laughing just because she was laughing!
 some pens that she wanted
 she got a white board, markers and eraser from Hannah
 with her "10" balloons that were in her bedroom, tradition we do each year.
 Grandma brought out a edible arrangement
our gift to her was a new bike, she has outgrown her current one. I took her to subway for lunch and then we ate supper at Okoboji.  I think she had a great day celebrating being 10!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I want to hear all about the card from Hannah! Sounds soooooo funny! So glad Haydn had a great birthday!
