Sunday, April 10, 2016

Skate North Birthday Party

Haydn's friend party was at Skate North. I believe she has roller skated maybe twice. All the girls walked the walk for awhile but got pretty confident towards the end as they were dancing to the music and skating. It was a great 2 hr workout for them. We had pizza and cupcakes as well. She had Ella and Callie spend the night and all 3 of them were asleep by 10:30. Not a wild night at all!! 

Haydn and Ella 
 bummer Haydn has her eyes closed. this is the DJ, there were 3 other parties going on at the same time. Each B-day child came to DJ booth and was told HBD by their friends.
 Haydn, Kylie, Ella, Callie and Ellery

 Haydn, Ella and Ellery
 to prove they were there, Hannah chose not to skate, too cool?!

 make a wish
 Haydn and Kylie
 Haydn and Ella
 Haydn and Callie
 Ellery and Haydn


  1. so much fun!!!!! happy happy birthday! Cannot belive how big you are getting!?

  2. Can not believe this was her 10th?!? Hope she had a great birthday! The roller skating sounds fun, I love the look on her face while looking at her cupcakes. And so cute that Hannah had inside jokes in her card : )

  3. What a fun idea for a bday party. Looks like Haydn has a great group of friends!! You, Wes and Hannah should of laced up too!!
